Informative former art. 13 dlgs 196/2003 the Skilife application is a service that allows you, with the internet connection, to control the performance and Teleskipass charges, reconstructing the distance carried out daily from the skipass. Such distance is obtained processing the registered passages to the incomes of the systems, as the supports on which are loaded the documents use the technology RFID (RADIO FREQUENCY IDENTIFICATION). Thanks to this technology it is possible to record the passages to the lifts, through connected systems without the intervention of the skier. The service can be activated upon request of the holder of the skipass inserting the identification number of the ticket. We remind you that the skipass is personal and not transferable and it is supposed, that it is the owner to use it or somebody else allowed to do it. The issuing societies are not responsible of a different or unlawfull use of the skipass. The processed personal data (identification data and passages to the lifts data) with the purpose to supply the demanded service, are collected to the moment of the purchase or when you use the skipass. These data are processed with processing systems from the staff. These data con eventually be communicated in implementation to a law obbligation, but the previewed rights of the skier, as provided in the art. 7 of the law 196/2003, could be asserted in any time to the skipass selling company.”,